lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012

Green Street Holligans' Review.

Stand your ground.

This film is usually seen as a senseless film whose only goal is showing bloody fights in an attractive situation to teenagers: football. However, many viewers claim that it has a deep meaning between fight and fight.

The main point of the plot is the evolution of a justkickedoffromHardvard-american who travels to London who gets associated with the brother of her sister's husband, who is associated with the GSE, the firm of the West Ham United FC. Elijah Wood successfully performs the character of Matt, so does Charlie Hunnam, however, the most outstanding actors in the film were undoubtedly Claire Forlani and Leo Gregory, who showed lots of emotions and had the most difficult characters. However, Leo sometimes crossed the line between a great actor and an overactor.

Meanwhile, the script was average with some low points and some amazing highlights. Lexi Alexander also fulfilled her role by creating a barely seen and emotional undertone from which we can learn some valuable advice.

In short, the quality of the film just depends on the person who watches it. It might me either a senseless sequence of violence or an incredible social criticism.